Welcome to Time Out Tips! We are two EAs in training, and were responsible for covering the topic of "time out" for a class presentation. We created this page as an additional reference for our project. We hope you find it useful :)
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Monday 1 April 2013

Rules of Isolation

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Isolation (or seclusion) should be used only in the following circumstances:

When less restrictive interventions have been used and have failed, and this has been documented.

In an emergency when the student shows evidence that he or she may inflict injury or harm on classmates.

Seclusion Procedure Requirements

Continuous observation of the student in secured isolation is required.

Isolation should not last longer than 30 minutes. If more time is required, a different intervention should be used.

Everything should be documented.

Parent notification is essential.

Required Characteristics of a Time Out Seclusion Room

Must be at least 36 square feet.

Must be properly lit (with the switch located outside of the room).

Must be properly ventilated.

Must be built in a way so that staff can continuously observe the student visually and auditorily. 
