Welcome to Time Out Tips! We are two EAs in training, and were responsible for covering the topic of "time out" for a class presentation. We created this page as an additional reference for our project. We hope you find it useful :)
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Thursday 21 March 2013

Types of Time Out

There are 3 major forms of time out used in education.

1. Non-exclusion

A non-exclusion time out is one in which a student is allowed to observe activities but not to participate.

2. Exclusion

This type of time out is one in which the student is not permitted to participate in or observe what the rest of the class Is doing. The student is located in the corner of the room, or his desk or chair is turned away from the activities in progress. 

3. Isolation

The most restrictive form of time out is isolation. The student is located in a completely separate area. Empty conference rooms or offices can be used, as well as specifically designed isolation booths.  
