Welcome to Time Out Tips! We are two EAs in training, and were responsible for covering the topic of "time out" for a class presentation. We created this page as an additional reference for our project. We hope you find it useful :)
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Tuesday 19 March 2013


Time out is a behaviour modification technique which involves situating an inappropriately behaving child by his or herself for a few moments followed by a calm discussion with the child about the behaviour in question.

Time out allows you to correct a child's misbehaviour without yelling or resorting to corporal punishment. 

Similar to time out, the game of hockey uses minor and major penalties to maintain order on the ice. When a hockey player breaks a game rule, the referee calmly calls a penalty and directs that player to the penalty box. For the duration of the penalty, the player watches the game without participating, while thinking about the rule he has broken and how to avoid doing so again in the future.
